/* Hotjar Tracking Code for https://7code.ro/ */


Case study

About the client

Enoki is the first collaborative cloud desktop for faster iteration, improved communication, and seamless code review. Access dedicated workspaces for each task/pull request/deliverable from your browser. Connect to your existing development environment and securely share your work instantly, without disrupting your flow.

The product

Enoki is a multiplayer Linux desktop designed with browser-accessible file storage, similar to Figma, but specifically for developers. It facilitates seamless collaboration on code by providing real-time version control, making it easy to track and manage changes. Enoki's intuitive interface ensures quick onboarding and requires minimal training time, enabling teams to concentrate on building great software.

The context

The client started the collaboration with us right after becoming an Antler funded startup. We guided them during the entire technical journey.
  • Increase their productivity
  • Speeding up some processes such as Code Review, PR Testing and pair programming
  • Spinning up a virtual machine running your project
  • Creating a collaborative environment where developers can work together without any struggle

Project’s time frame


Our Contribution

  • Next.JS
  • Nest.JS
  • Python
  • AWS
  • Serveless
 1 x full stack developers
 1 x Cloud Architect and developer
 Project Manager

Developed Modules

  • Login/Signup
  • Payments
  • Team management
  • Team analytics
  • Jira and Slack integrations
  • On demand Virtual Machines
  • Referral system
  • Team Secrets
  • Ticketing
  • Notifications

Client's testimonial

We wanted a development support for our product Enoki, and this evolved into support for Osai. Alessandro is the best, I can just tell him what I need to get done and he knows exactly what to do
Rohan SukhdeoFounder @ Enoki

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