/* Hotjar Tracking Code for https://7code.ro/ */


Case study

About the client

Lidl, a German retailer with over 12,000 stores globally and part of the Schwarz Group (€104.3 billion in sales), operates 300+ stores in Romania with 9,000+ employees, achieving a fiscal value of $2.5 billion in 2019. In 2020, Lidl invested over $7 million in Romanian communities, focusing on education, the environment, and emergency services.

The product

  • Web app purpose: Facilitate children's road education with parental guidance.
  • Gamification Structure: Built for fun and interactivity to engage children.
  • Educational Program: In its eighth edition, developed in collaboration with the Romanian Police.
  • Public Web App is accessible to all visitors without authentication.
  • Access to the private space requires authentication and encompasses main functionalities like gamification and user profiles.

The context

The project context entails a web application designed for teaching children driving legislation, utilizing gamification as an interactive learning tool.
The collaboration was established in partnership with the Romanian Police.

The results

Client's expectations:

Create a collaborative web app with the Romanian Police, using gamification to teach children driving legislation. Features: public web page, private space, and back office, covering quizzes, points, video rendering, and welcoming logic.

Client's benefits after implementing the project:
  • Engaging Learning: Gamification sparks interest.
  • Dynamic Points: Enhances learning.
  • Level-Based Videos: Tailored to users.
  • Welcoming Logic: Improves onboarding.
  • Flexible Gamification: Inclusive for families.

Our Contribution

  • React.JS
  • Nest.JS
  • Heroku
 1 x Front-End developer
 1 x Back-End Developer
1 x Manual Tester

Developed Modules

  • Authenticated
  • Profile Module
  • Child Module
  • Episode Module
  • Level Module
  • Gamification Module
  • Report Module

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